Toto Has Arrived

Its here its here, our little popup camper has arrived! Squeeee!!!!
We are so excited to finally have it here and even more excited to get crackin on refurbishing it. I have my plans already drawn up, now to action them.

1st up, naming our new travelling home. So in keeping with my wizard of oz theme named car Dorothy (because she is a beautiful ruby slipper) we have decided to call our popup, Toto hehe its so cute and how perfectly the theme fits for a trip around Oz.
I'm planning to sign write on the side of Toto "There's No Place Like Home". We aren't off to see the Wizard of course, but I'm sure we will discover the Wisdom of Oz along our way.

2nd is to clean it, Toto needs a good scrubbing  before measuring and fabulising can happen.

Toto is a neat little bundle when all closed up, its hard to believe how big it is inside when all popped up.

Dorothy and Toto look so good together.

In need of a good bath.
